Play Ball!

Is the baseball glass half empty or half full? Well, the majors kicked off their shortened 60-game season this week – pro. However, for baseball fans craving the game since April, it’s a far cry from the 162-game schedule – con.
Enter Speed Queen. We’re going deep with our legend livestream, washing baseballs 24/7. Yup, we don’t do anything halfway…don’t believe us? Check the wash tub. We’ll fill that thing all the way up with water if that’s the cycle you want…no half full here.
Our last legend load pitted gardening tools against this commercial quality top load, and the Speed Queen came out on top. As for the garden tools… well, let’s just say that they lost a few teeth and took their lumps. But they are very clean, albeit less functional for gardeners.
This time around, it’s 20 pounds of baseballs slugging it out in our TR7 top load. Will this be a tougher challenge than the hockey pucks, billiard balls and garden tools? Will our all-star product own this 24-hour series, or will the Speed Queen perfect game be broken up…literally and figuratively?