Article: Hardmount Washers

Hardmount Washers

Hardmount Washers

When selecting a commercial washer it is important to recognize where this washer is being placed and what type of flooring this machine is going to be sitting on. There are 2 types of commercial washers; Hardmount washers and Softmount washers. The most common type of washer sold is a Hardmount washer as it is the most affordable piece of machinery for a Laundromat or an On Premise Laundry.

A Hardmount washer is typically used when the washer is being placed on a cement slab where there is no basement underneath the cement slab. A Hardmount washer is mounted right on to the cement slab. Due to the fact that this machine is being bolted to the cement slab it is important that you read the installation manual to verify you have the required amount of cement thickness for a successful installation. Some of these washers can extract at very high speeds so the thickness of the slab is very important to the overall effectiveness of the Hardmount washer.  A cement slab that is not able to support a washer will break apart as the machine is being used and can cause injury and damage other pieces of machinery in the laundry room.

No need to worry about the amount of capacity of the Hardmount washer as most manufacturers carry a variety of machines ranging from 18lbs to 135lbs.